
Contributions to Proceedings:

S. Winkler, A. Körner, V. Urbonaite:
"Improvement of advanced mathematical skills and abilities using the computer algebra based e-learning system Maple TA";
in: "The 24th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium", F. Breitenecker, A. Bruzzone, E. Jimenez, F. Longo, Y. Merkuryev, B. Sokolov (ed.); DIME Università di Genova, Rende, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-97999-09-6, 501 - 506.

English abstract:
This paper is about an e-learning environment based on Maple , called Maple T.A. Maple T.A. for stands for Testing and Assessment with Maple.
It is used at the Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing at the Vienna University of Technology. Over the last four years some improvements have been achieved and the number of courses using this tool increased. Also the way of using the e-learning system has changed. At the be ginning it was a support for students practicing their mathematical skills. Now it is also a system for testing
and assessing. Depending on the course the students have to pass one to three tests each semester to pass the course.
On the other hand Maple T.A. supports the lecturer and organizer
as well.
All the users and their test results are stored in this system.
Therefore using this environment was enhanced through three different

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