
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

A. Bauer, C. Rößler, N. Winterer, F. Miksch, F. Breitenecker:
"Analysis and comparison of different modelling approaches based on an SIS epidemic";
in: "The 1st International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care", DIME Università di Genova, Rende, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-97999-13-3, S. 115 - 120.

Kurzfassung englisch:
An SIS epidemic is a common approach to model a
contagious disease. Three different modelling
approaches are used to simulate an SIS epidemic.
methods are an ordinary differential equation
model, a
based model and a stochastic model. The aim is to
compare them in equivalent settings and
qualitative and quantitative
similarities and differences.
are extended
to simulate diseases
based on two serotypes
For the models with one
serotype the results for all three approaches are very
similar. For two serotypes there are some situations in
which the three models agree and some in which they
do not agree.
Our conclusion is that the models are not
completely e
quivalent. However it is not possible to
determine which model is the best because this always
depends on the actual situation.
The comparison of the
three modelling approaches can help to get a better
understanding of SIS epidemics

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