

D. Coskun, P. Demircioglu, I. Bogrekci, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Electrodynamical considerations in r-t measurements of high Tc bulk superconductivity: an inexpensive set up design";
Quality-Access to Success, Vol.13, S5, November 2012 (2012), S. 325 - 332.

Kurzfassung englisch:
ABSTRACT: In this work, one of the fundamental measurements of High-Tc Superconductors, the Resistance-Temperature (R-T)
measurement, has been analyzed within the scope of the fundamental electrodynamical properties of superconductivity. Main design
criteria for R-T measurement setup involving cryostat and measurement devices for the conventional 4-point (Kelvin) technique
have been studied. The R-T measurement of the given BSCCO sample has been achieved by a designed inexpensive setup involving
a designed cryostat and 4-point (Kelvin) D.C. measurement equipment. The cryostat is made up of a pyrex tube, a trimmed copper
sample holder (substrate), a wounded heating coil and a Pt-100 RTD where the system is cooled through the evacuated pyrex tube
immersed in liquid nitrogen. It is suggested that such an inexpensive setup can be useful in the undergraduate labs to study R-T
characterization of high Tc superconducting bulk materials with a quite good accuracy.

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