
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

R. Stuefer, K. Macher:
"peopling space: a live stream inception";
Talk: internationales symposium zur architektur- und baukulturvermittlung für junge menschen. "get involved. Discover and create common ground.", Venedig (invited); 2012-10-19 - 2012-10-20.

English abstract:
peopling space: a live stream inception
What happens to built reality, when the camera´s eye focuses on it, projecting it into a further dimension, thereby revealing and recording things that would otherwise have been transient or invisible?
In Up-Side-Down-Town, film will be a tool for building space and transmutation, the ambassador of perception. Music will set the plot points, laying an atmospheric framework. Architecture and film use "building materials" chosen for a specific concept, which result in completely different spaces, depending on who and how they are put together. Step by step, a collective space develops through the collective action, with every change affecting the whole organism. A city: graceful, weightless and charming. Just imagine.

architektur Film und Vermittlung architecture film Baukulturvermittlung

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