
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

H. Katschnig, F. Endel, G. Endel, B. Weibold, S. Scheffel, P. Filzmoser:
"Dementia and pathways of health service utilisation in Austria: A record linkage study in a country with a fragmented provider payment system";
Vortrag: 22nd Alzheimer Europe Conference, Vienna; 04.10.2012 - 06.10.2012.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Austria, a federal country with 8.4 million inhabitants has a fragmented health care provider payment system with 19 different mandatory social health insurance institutions, which together cover more than 98% of the population. Service utilization is recorded in many different databases, with different structures and semantics, and only partly with a unique patient identifier (UPI). The aim of the present study was to identify pathways of care of patients with dementia. Since their first contact with health services usually occurs in the primary care and outpatient sector, where no coded diagnoses are reported in Austria, prescription of ...

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