
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

G. Schütz:
"Single Molecule Biology - Studying Movements and Meetings within the Plasma Membrane";
Vortrag: Seminarvortrag, TU Wien, Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik, Wien; 22.03.2013.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Current scientific research throughout the natural sciences aims at the exploration of the Nanocosm, the collectivity of structures with dimensions between 1 and 100nm. In my lecture, I will show examples how to obtain insights into the organization of the cellular Nanocosm by single molecule experiments. Our primary goal is an understanding of the role of such structures for immune recognition. For this, we apply single molecule tracking to resolve the plasma membrane structure at sub-diffraction-limited length-scales by employing the high precision for localizing biomolecules of ~15nm. Brightness and single molecule colocalization analysis allows us to study stable or transient molecular associations in vivo. In particular, I will present results on the interaction between antigen-loaded MHC and the T cell receptor directly in the interface region of a T cell with a mimicry of an antigen-presenting cell.

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