
Bücher und Buch-Herausgaben:

S. Brell-Cokcan, J. Braumann (Hrg.):
"Rob|Arch 2012: Robots in Architecture, Art and Design";
SpringerWienNewYork, Wien, 2012, ISBN: 3709114640; 320 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Architects, artists, and designers have been fascinated by robots for many decades, from Villemardīs utopian vision of an architect building a house with robotic labor in 1910, to the design of buildings that are robots themselves, such as Archigramīs Walking City. Today, they are again approaching the topic of robotic fabrication but this time employing a different strategy: instead of utopian proposals like Archigramīs or the highly specialized robots that were used by Japanīs construction industry in the 1990s, the current focus of architectural robotics is on industrial robots. These robotic arms have six degrees of freedom and are widely used in industry, especially for automotive production lines. What makes robotic arms so interesting for the creative industry is their multi-functionality: instead of having to develop specialized machines, a multifunctional robot arm can be equipped with a wide range of end-effectors, similar to a human hand using various tools. Therefore, architectural research into robotics is not so much directed at reinventing machines for architectural fabrication, but rather at reusing industrial robots as a well-established basis and adapting them for architectural purposes by developing custom software interfaces and end-effectors. By doing this, architects, artists and designers have advanced from being mere "users" of robots and have successfully emerged as recognized developers and trendsetters in robotic fabrication. This book publishes the proceedings of the fi rst international conference on robotic fabrication in architecture, art, and design, Rob|Arch

The Association for Robots in Architecture has been pioneering the easy use of industrial robots for the creative industry and has authored multiple peer-reviewed papers on the use of robots in architecture. They are participating in international research and industry projects and have recently become KUKA System partners. Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann are co-founders of the Association for Robots in Architecture, initiators and organizers of the first international conference Rob|Arch 2012.

robots in architecture, architecture, industrial robots, robot, prototyping, fabrication, digital architecture

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