

K. Matelkova, K. Ossberger, J. Hudak, J. Vatral, R. Boca, W. Linert:
"Redox activity of some non-innocent aminoacids";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 144 (2013), S. 937 - 949.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Cyclic voltammetry has been applied in order
to scan the redox characteristics of selected amino acids,
namely tyrosine, tryptophan, glycine, and cysteine. These
species in aqueous solution (NaCl supporting electrolyte)
show anodic oxidation peaks Epa * 1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl
reference electrode. The calculated reduction potential of
these species shows an interference with the iron salts and
iron hydroxides/oxides, including ferritin. Several types of
quantum-chemical methods were applied to study the
ionization of the amino acid as well as zwitterion forms of
glycine: semiempirical AM1, density functional B3LYP/
UHF, 6-31G**, and ab initio-Hartree-Fock/UHF, 6-31G**.

Cyclic voltammetry, Oxidation potential, Amino acids, Molecular orbital calculations

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