Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
I. Bogrekci, P. Demircioglu, Y. Cerci, C. Deniz, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Roughness measurement verification of the surface structures produced by different manufacturing techniques by wavelet transform";
Vortrag: ISMQC - International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control,
Krakow-Kielce, Polen;
- 13.09.2013; in: "Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Measurement and Quality Control",
Osaka University,
Kurzfassung englisch:
In this study, roughness measurement verification was
conducted using wavelet transform for the surface structures
produced by different manufacturing techniques. These are
surface grinding, front milling and face turning. After
manufacturing, the surface roughness values were measured
by means of stylus profilometer as contact measurement
technique. Then, manufactured surface images were
captured and inspected by 3D digital microscope. The
captured images were then pre-processed using high pass
filter in order to enhance the image before further image
analyses conducted. Discrete Wavelet Transform in 2D
image processing identifies different frequency components
of images. This method was generally used to identify
different surface topography produced by different
manufacturing processes.
Non-contact (imaging) and contact (stylus profilometer)
measurements of surface roughness were compared by
employing the image processing method such as Wavelet
transform and Ra values taken from stylus profilometer. Ra
as 2D roughness parameter is evaluated in order to both
determine and verify the roughness values obtained from
measurement technique as stylus profilometer.
The values computed with the proposed method were
compared with the roughness values obtained from 3D
digital microscope. The relationship between wavelet
parameters and surface roughness was determined (Stdv:
70.41, 77.22, 89.81 and corresponding Ra: 0.498, 2.382 and
3.984μm for ground, front milled and face turned surfaces,
Computer Vision, Manufacturing techniques, Roughness measurement, Wavelet transform
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