
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

C. Davutoglu, C. Tepeköylü, E. Güclü, G. Bas:
"INTACT - Intelligent Test Automation System to Achieve Improved Quality";
Vortrag: International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), Wien, Österreich; 27.06.2013 - 28.06.2013; in: "Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth, Proceedings of the 21st International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA)", (2013), ISBN: 978-0-9860419-0-7; Paper-Nr. 1481-1486, 6 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Today's telecommunication operator need to control their business-critical services and applications in all functional tests to ensure that all business processes as well as all network related services (circuit switched and packet switched) work as expected. By implementing automated functional "End to End" testing, companies can dramatically improve the test speed and quality. Thus they get higher return on investment and significantly reduce risk due to better test coverage. The more complex telecommunication services become (complex BSS processes in combination with several different switching technologies, e.g. IP-based telephony combined with GSM/UMTS based telephony) the higher the test effort and the longer the test period.
Basic philosophy of the developed test automation system is to make life easier for all testers of telecommunication services. INTACT is an "End to End" testing tool for people who are sitting in test labs and making one phone call after the other in order to test a telecommunication service. The aim of presented system is to create a software which performs all actions a human being would perform during test of a telecommunication service beginning with provisioning and configuration, execution of the test case and taking necessary notes and reports following an "End to End" view. All this shall be performed automatically.

Test automation, telecommunication, configuration tool, advanced quality management, end to end testing, process efficiency

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.