Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):
A. Kovacs, S. Emrich, D. Wiegand, C. Körner:
"More Space: Strategies and Methods to improve Corporate Real Estate Management";
Vortrag: ERES 2013 - European Real Estate Society Anual Conference,
- 06.07.2013; in: "20th Annual European Real Estate Socitey Conference - Book of Abstracts",
B. Martens (Hrg.);
Österreichischer Kunst- und Kulturverlag,
ISBN: 978-3-85437322-3;
S. 9.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The development of corporate buildings and the structure of workplaces changed dramatically during the last number of decades. Studies show that the utilization of e.g. office space lies at 5% over its lifecycle - so we need to rethink the design & the management of corporate facilities. In fact buildings which are heated, cooled and maintained but remain largely unused over time are economically & ecologically inefficient! Our built environment is identified as a crucial area for the realisation of the EU climate goals but the potential to reduce energy-demand and CO2-Emissions remain widely unused. Beside the opportunity to save a lot of (real estate and company/organisational) money through an optimized FM - the mentioned arguments above illustrate, that the improvement of space-utilization is also part of Corporate Social Responsibility. More-Space analyses saving potentials of e.g. flexible workplace management. Know-How from real estate development, facility management and mathematical modelling and simulation are brought together to improve and optimize space-utilisation. On going studies show impressive saving potentials up to 50% of the current workplaces and an optimised utilisation up to 80% within companies. Other studies within school buildings showed that up to 40% of the classrooms could be used for other purposes through improved space-management. These evaluations add up to massive saving potentials of user costs of buildings and tons of CO2-Emissions per year. The More-Space Tool is able to demonstrate each company its maximum benefit, as the model is customizable and supports rapid prototyping - a relevant characteristic for decision makers as managing directors, facility managers and others. The More-Space approach underlines that a successful achievement of the FM-potentials needs interaction between at least four competences: 1.Organisational development - necessary changes of processes and organizational structures; 2.Space Management - potentials e.g. within intelligent distribution of fixed-term rights of utilization but also within spontaneous occupancy; 3.Real Estate Planning/Development - Developers and designers must be able to create built infrastructures, which support dynamic usage of buildings and 4.Simulation - the high potentials for more efficient utilization often remain undetected until dynamic event-based computer-simulations facilitate, as the complexity of dynamic viewing of utilisation is extremely high.
Corporate (buildings) Facilities; Sustainable Real Estate/Facility Management; Innovations in Space Utilization and Space- & Workplace Management;
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