
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Konrad et al.:
"Status Report on the New Facility PERC";
Talk: DPG spring meeting 2013 (Particle Physics), Dresden; 03-04-2013 - 03-08-2013.

English abstract:
Important open questions of particle physics and cosmology are addressed with precision measurements in neutron beta decay. Main emphasis lies on the search for evidence of possible extensions to the Standard Model and searches for new symmetry concepts. In general, these measurements are complementary to direct searches in high-energy physics. With the new facility PERC several symmetry tests based on neutron decay data become competitive.
PERC is under development by an international collaboration and
will be installed at the FRM II in Garching, Germany. The Vienna
group particularly focuses on electron energy, simultaneous electron
and proton momentum, and proton spectroscopy: At its exit, PERC
delivers neutron decay products under well-defined and precisely variable conditions. Depending on the coefficients studied, the analysis of the extracted decay particles is performed with different and specialized detectors.
Besides the physics motivation and status of PERC, different detector
concepts are presented, such as a novel R×B drift momentum
spectrometer for the search of left-handed scalar and tensor interactions.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.