
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

Ch. Kuehn:
"Multiscale dynamics near instability in adaptive networks";
Talk: Viennese Vintage Workshop, Wien (invited); 2013-11-25.

English abstract:
In this talk I am going to outline a couple basic ideas related to tipping points (or critical transitions) in complex networks. In particular, the focus will be on adaptive networks where agent
dynamics and coupling topology co-evolve in time. The examples arise in epidemiology, games on networks, and voter-type interaction models. In the first part, I will briefly sketch the mathematical
theory of stochastic scaling laws near bifurcation points and associated early-warning signs. Then I will proceed to consider warning signs in several applications such as subthreshold indicators of epidemic outbreaks. As a last step, I will illustrate the influence of noise in networks where it is beneficial to organize towards criticality.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.