

N. Dragostinoff, R.M. Werkmeister, J. Klaizer, M. Gröschl, L. Schmetterer:
"Time course and topographic distribution of ocular fundus pulsation measured by low-coherence tissue interferometry";
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18 (2013), S. 1215021 - 12150211.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Low-coherence tissue interferometry is a technique for the depth-resolved measurement of ocular fundus
pulsations. Whereas fundus pulsation amplitudes at preselected axial positions can readily be assessed by this
method, coupling of the interferometer with a pulse oximeter additionally allows for the reconstruction of the
time course of ocular fundus pulsation with respect to the cardiac cycle of the subject. For this purpose, the interferogram
resulting from the superposition of waves reflected at the cornea and the ocular fundus is recorded synchronously
with the plethysmogram. A new method for evaluating the time course of synthetic interferograms in
combination with plethysmograms based on averaging several pulse periods has been developed. This technique
allows for the analysis of amplitudes, time courses, and phase differences of fundus pulsations at preselected axial
and transversal positions and for creating fundus pulsation movies. Measurements are performed in three healthy
emmetropic subjects at angles from 0 deg to 18 deg to the axis of vision. Considerably different time courses,
amplitudes, and phases with respect to the cardiac cycle are found at different angles. Data on ocular fundus
pulsation obtained with this technique can-among other applications-be used to verify and to improve biomechanical
models of the eye.

fundus pulsation; ocular tissue movement; low-coherence tissue interferometry.

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.