

D. Schwanke, M. Harnack, A. Bittner, U. Schmid:
"Ceramic Substrate Material, Method For The Production And Use Thereof, And Antenna Or Antenna Array";
Patent: U.S.A., No. Us 8,529,780 B2; submitted: 2009-09-18, granted: 2013-09-10.

English abstract:
The invention relates to a ceramic substrate material having a
first layer having a cavity structure formed therein, and at
least one sealing layer situated on at least apart ofthe cavity
structure. The first layer comprises at least one first component
made of a crystalline ceramic material and/or a glass material as a matrix, the first layer containing a second component made of a further crystalline ceramic material, with selected mantle areas ofthe crystals and/or crystal agglomerates of the second component being etched out in such a way that the cavity structure is provided (preferably in the form of a pore and/or tube structure ). The sealing layer seals the surface of the first layer in the areas on which it is situated ( e.g., above the cavity structure ), allowing application of thin-film structures to the cavity structure.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.