

T. Weber, B. Hametner, B. Eber, S. Wassertheurer:
"24 hours pulsatile hemodynamics in borderline versus resistant hypertensives";
Artery Research, 7 (2013), 3-4; S. 150 - 151.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Background: Diurnal variations of brachial blood pressure have important prognostic implications. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in day- and night-time values of brachial and central hemodynamic parameters in two groups of borderline and resistant hypertensives.
Methods: We performed 24 hour pulse wave analysis, using a brachial cuff and validated ARCSolver algorithms. Central pressures were derived with a generalized transfer function using measured mean and diastolic pressure for calibration. 50 borderline hypertensives (BH; mean age: 52 years, mean 24h brachial blood pressure (bBP): 123/81 mmHg) and 25 resistant hypertensives (RH; mean age: 58 years, mean 24h bBP: 138/85 mmHg) were included in the study. Day-time was specified as 09:00-21:00 and nighttime as 01:00-06:00.

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