

S. Wassertheurer, T. Weber, B. Hametner, L. Van Bortel, M. De Buyzere, E. Rietzschel, P. Segers:
"Estimation of aortic pulse wave velocity in a healthy middle-aged cohort from carotid waveforms - comparison with carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity";
Journal of Hypertension, 6 (2013), 14; S. 80 - 81.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Background: Aonie pulse wave veloett)' (aPWV) IS a well-kllown marker for anenal suffness. t:suany pulse w:we reeordmgs at two sites of the ar1erial tree are used 10 estu:na1e aPWV (as earoud-femoral PWV, efPWV). However this measuremem 1eebJuque may cause UlCOnverueuce and an easter Slllgle-sile method may be more favorable. In a study on a eobon of elderly hlgb-risk patients we eould recently show thal a single poim method (ARCSolver-PWV) provides aeeeptable estmu1es of aPWV eompared to mvastvely gamed aPWV as " ·eU as cfPWV aud tltal i1 ean predict eardiovaseular events sutular 10 aPWV. The aim of
tlus sllldy 1S 10 eomp;u·e single point PWV and efPWV in a bealthy middle-aged cobo1110 uwestigate its eharaeteristies ou such a general populatiou.
Methods: For tlle ealeulation of cfPWV touometne pulse wave ecordings at the e:u·oud aud femoral artety aud con·espoudiug length measm-ements were used. The ARCSolver algorithms to estimate aorue P\W were applied on caroud measuremeots used as surrogates for ceotral pressure c111ves . 2307 subjects from the ASKLEPIOS sllldy were included in thJS analySJs (mean age 45 ye:u-s, 52<;, female , meao brachial systolie and dwtoltc pressure 132 aud 77 mmHg).
Results: Mean cfPWV was 6.6 (1.3 SD) mls and mean ARCSolver-PWV was
7 .1 (1 0 SO) mls. :\iean differenee between these two methods is .{)5 mls with a standald devullon (SD) of 13 mls. Bland-Altman :uul>.sis re,·eaJs oo systematie uends for mean dtffereoees but an uoderestmlallon of a few high clPWV values by the Slllgle point method.

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