
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

C. Rößler, M. Bicher, I. Hafner, S. Winkler, A. Körner:
"Making Modelling Teachable MMT";
in: "ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference", Andrej Zemva (Hrg.); herausgegeben von: University of Ljubljana; ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, Portoroz, 2013, S. 165 - 168.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The "Mathematics, Modelling and Tools" (MMT) system
is an E-learning platform which is used for teaching at
the Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing at the
Vienna University of Technology. The examples treat especially
modelling and simulation and basics in mathematics.
The E-learning system is a useful tool for lecturers
to show examples as well as for students who can
also fiddle with the examples and learn more about them
while testing the examples with di erent values for the
parameters after the lecture. The memory system of the
MMT is the Content Management System, which does
not have any hierarchical structure, but each file has a
unique and global ID. The hierarchical structure is induced
by so called nodes where three di erent types of
nodes are used. A new feature for the output of the results
of MATLAB-files is a video of results of the simulation,
which is created in form of an animated gif-file. Further
now there are examples in AnyLogic in the MMT system
where it is necessary to be able to run Java-applets. In
the future it is planned that examples in R and Octave are
going to work too.

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