
Contributions to Proceedings:

M. Bicher, G. Music, I. Hafner, F. Breitenecker:
"Support of Event-Graph Modelling by the MMT E-learning System";
in: "ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference", Andrej Zemva (ed.); issued by: University of Ljubljana; ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, Portoroz, 2013, 161 - 164.

English abstract:
Due to steadily increasing industrial requirements a proper
education in mathematical modelling is more and
more often a prerequisite finding technical professions.
Thus universities are required to provide high quality
lectures and teaching materials to guarantee the qualification
of their graduates within their field of study. For
engineering students it is important to learn basic concepts
of discrete-event modelling, as the understanding
of event-operation and scheduling provides the base for
designing management and control strategies. Very often
the concept of event-graph modelling is used to teach the
basis of discrete-event simulation in a graphical manner.
The paper gives an idea how methods of event-graph
modelling can be taught to students using E-learning
concepts. In this special case the E-learning platform
MMT (Mathematics, Modelling and Tools) is used, which
can be applied as a virtual laboratory. The basic ideas
of event-graph modelling, how event-graph based examples
are prepared for the E-learning platform and the
basic properties of the MMT-server are presented in this
paper. Simple examples are shown in addition.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.