
Contributions to Proceedings:

V. Urbonaite, S. Winkler, A. Körner:
"Various Usage of Maple T.A. in Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation";
in: "ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference", Andrej Zemva (ed.); issued by: University of Ljubljana; ERK - International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, Portoroz, 2013, 173 - 176.

English abstract:
This paper deals with the various ways of establishing
the e-learning system Maple T.A. Maple is an algebraic
computer algebra system. T.A. stands for testing and
assessment and supports complex, free-form entry of
mathematical equations and intelligent evaluation of
responses, making it ideal for mathematical courses for
different levels or any course that requires mathematics.
At the moment the usage focuses on mathematics but
looking ahead developing a course dealing with
modelling and simulation seems realistic.

Electronic version of the publication:

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