
Contributions to Proceedings:

B. Glock, F. Breitenecker, P. Einzinger:
"A Modular Architecture for Modelling Chronic Diseases with System Dynamics";
in: "EUROSIM 2013 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation", K. Al-Begain, D. Al Dabass, A. Orsoni, R. Cant, R. Zobel (ed.); issued by: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,; EUROSIM 2013 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cardiff, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-7695-5073-2, 52 - 57.

English abstract:
Abstract - According to the Statistics Austria more than one
third of the Austrian population suffers from at least one
chronic disease. Therefore efficient tools for the evaluation of
the prevalence of these diseases and possible treatment and/or
prevention strategies are needed. When simulating a chronic
disease usually a model part for population dynamics, for the
disease and also for costs is needed. Since there are on the one
hand a lot of different diseases and on the other hand a lot of
countries with different demography in which these diseases
occur, a modular architecture of the simulation tool may be
useful. This means that the model, in this case implemented in
System Dynamics, consists of independent model parts that are
connected to each other on specifically defined interfaces. The
proposed approach allows exchange of model parts and
guarantees a high degree of reusability. In this paper an
example of such a modular architecture together with its
advantages and disadvantages will be given for the chronic
disease of obesity and for the population of Austria.

chronic disease; modular architecture; obesity; system dynamics;

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.