
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

F. Reichel, T. Schrefl, D. Süss, G. Hrkac, D. Praetorius, M. Gusenbauer, S. Bance, H. Oezelt, J. Fischbacher, L. Exl:
"Mechanical Oscillations of Magnetic Strips under the Influence of External Field";
Talk: JEMS 2012 - Joint European Magnetism Symposia, Parma, Italien; 2012-09-09 - 2012-09-14; in: "JEMS 2012 - Joint European Magnetic Symposia", EPJ Web of Conferences, 40 (2013), 13004.

English abstract:
By application of a magnetic field on an amorphous metallic strip, the orientation of magnetization of Weiss domains can be changed. When the strip changes its length, this effect is called magnetostriction. We simulate this effect using a finite element method. In particular we calculate the change of the mechanical resonance frequency of a magnetic platelet as a function of the applied field. This gives a quantitative model of the influence of the applied magnetic field on the effective Young´s Modulus of the material.

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

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