
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

K. Schinegger, S. Rutzinger:
"Vague Formations";
Talk: Bartlett International Lecture Series, London; 2013-03-20.

English abstract:
Vague Formations

soma sees architecture as an ongoing inquiry and a field for experimentation. The teamīs activities range from the development of contemporary digital design strategies to the implementation of advanced geometries and theoretical research. Rather than representing fixed meanings, somaīs buildings produce an evocative ambiguity to give rise to a multitude of individual readings. In that sense their name (greek for body) has a double connotation. soma understands architecture itself as a body - potentially mutable and constantly transforming; secondly it refers to space as an atmospheric interaction between the body and its environment.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.