
Nichttextl. wiss. Veröffentlichungen (gem. Wissensbilanz-VO):

R. Stuefer, K. Macher:
"It's your Turn! TAKE OVER - (Neuauflage - Englisch + Deutsch)";
Art der Veröffentlichung: Film auf DVD, Projekt: Technik bewegt; 2013.

Kurzfassung englisch:
>>There is major construction work taking place on the town planning
platform. You are asked to approach with care and a view to
>>Pay no heed to prefabricated opinions and conventions. Free yourself from preconceptions and take the initiative.<<

The movie TAKE OVER leads us through a world of technical occupations, showing the fields of work and the products that are made. A world of technology is shown that has many connections to the lives of everyday people, since the work of a civil engineer plays a great role in our daily lives: they build the space we live in!
There are 12 technical careers hidden in the movie. Try to find either the name of the occupation
(i.e. landscape design), the tasks done in the field (i.e. drawing plans), or a product that is manufactured by the occupational category (i.e. railroad tracks).

This film was made as a teaser for the "technik bewegt" (technology
moves) impulse week. Architecture students at the Vienna University of Technology developed the ideas as part of the course "sequencing
architecture and building film". The aim was to rouse interest in young
people for civil engineering careers.
The film was made on location at the Wiener Linien Revisionshalle at the Seestadt Aspern and at the Heizhaus Strasshof.

The movie "TAKE OVER - It´s your turn!" can be briefly introduced by the teacher. The following text is a suggestion about how to create interest for the film and motivate pupils to watch more closely.

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