
Contributions to Books:

A. Schäfer, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Pollution, Public Health Care, and Life Expectancy when Inequality Matters";
in: "Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Econometrics and Finance 15, Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics", E. Moser, W. Semmler, G. Tragler, V.M. Veliov (ed.); Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-642-54086-8, 127 - 154.

English abstract:
We analyze the link between economic inequality in terms of wealth,
life expectancy, health care and pollution. The distribution of wealth is decisive for the number of households investing in human capital. Moreover, the willingness to invest in human capital depends on agents' life expectancy which determines the length of the amortization period of human capital investments. Life expectancy
is positively affected by public health care expenditures but adversely affected by the pollution stock generated by aggregate production. Our model accounts for an endogenous take-off in terms of human capital investments. Higher initial inequality delays the take-off because a given set of policies (abatement measures and public
health care) is less effective in improving agents' survival probabilities. We compare a change in taxes to a change in expenditure shares on health and abatement given different amounts of (initial) inequality. The advantage of the latter as compared to
the former is the achieved increase in the tax base which induces more expenditures on health care and abatement measures, such that an even higher economic activity is compatible with a similar level of long-run pollution.

pollution, life expectancy, health, inequality

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.