

C.A. Martschitsch, U. Schubert:
"An NMR study on the reaction of [(κ2-P,N)-Ph2PCH2CH2NMe2]PtMe2 with activated chlorocarbons: C-Cl and C-C activation, followed by C-N cleavage of the phosphinoalkylamine ligand and formation of an ylide complex";
Monatshefte für Chemie, 145 (2014), 4; S. 577 - 584.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Reaction of [(κ2-P,N)-Ph2PCH2CH2NMe2]PtMe2 with either ethyl chloroacetate or benzyl chloride results in complex reaction mixtures, which were investigated by a combination of NMR techniques. The reactions are initiated by oxidative addition of either the C-Cl bond or of the C-CH2Cl bond, respectively. The latter is followed by a rearrangement of the intermediate Pt(IV) complex with concomitant C-N bond cleavage of the phosphinoalkylamine ligand and formation of the ylide complexes Pt[CH2=PPh2(vinyl)](NMe2R)Me2 (R = COOEt or Ph).

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