
Publications in Scientific Journals:

E. Felbermair, A. Sidorenko, S. Paschen, J. Akbarzadeh, H. Peterlik, U. Schubert:
"Covalent Embedding of Ni2+/Fe3+ Cyanometallate Structures in Silica by Sol-Gel Processing";
Chemistry - A European Journal, 20 (2014), 30; 9212 - 9215.

English abstract:
Compound [Ni(AEAPTS)2]3[Fe(CN)6]2 (AEAPTS=N-(2-aminoethyl)-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane), in which Ni2+ and Fe3+ ions are ferromagnetically coupled through cyano bridges, was prepared. Sol-gel processing of the AEAPTS derivative resulted in incorporation of the cyanometallate in silica. The obtained material is magnetically ordered below 22 K with an effective magnetic moment μeff of 4.46 μB at room temperature, a maximum of 8.60 μB at approximately 15 K and a narrow hysteresis at 2 K, with a saturation remanence of about 300 emu mol−1 and a coercitivity of 0.03 T.

cyanometallates; iron; magnetic properties; nickel; sol-gel processes

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Related Projects:
Project Head Ulrich Schubert:
Sol-Gel Prozesse mit vor-organisierten Metall-Alkoxid-Vorstufen

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