
Publications in Scientific Journals:

M. Templ, A. Kowarik, B. Meindl:
"Development and Current Practice in Using R at Statistics Austria";
Romanian Statistical Review, 2 (2014), 173 - 184.

English abstract:
The popularity of
is increasing in national statistical offices
not only for simulation tasks. Nowadays
is also used in the production
process. A lot of new features for various tasks in official statistics have been
developed over the last years and these features are freely available in the
form of add-on package.
In this contribution we first give an outline of the use of
at Statistics Aus-
tria. Discussed is the necessary infrastructure according to the
the teaching of employees and the support provided to the staff who use
their daily work.
In the second part, the
developments from the methods unit at Statistics
Austria are summarised. The developed packages include methods for data
pre-processing (e.g imputation) up to packages for the final dissemination
of data including packages for statistical disclosure control, estimation of
indicators and the visualisation of results.

Official Statistics, Computational Statistics, R

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.