
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

P. Suchánek, R. Bucki, A. Korjenic:
"Implementacja metod optymalizacji w wybranych obszarach logistyki produkcji";
Vortrag: Wissenschaftlichen Konferenz über Management, Organisation und Produktionstechnik, Cieszyn, Polen (eingeladen); 30.05.2014 - 31.05.2014; in: "Management, Organisation und Produktionstechnik", 1 (2014), 18 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The contemporary business environment is constantly putting pressure on increasing efficiency in all areas of modern society. One of the key areas is undoubtedly production which is affected mainly by the dynamic development of modern technologies. However, it must be emphasized that production issues are not treated as a set of individual machines but as a system which is affected by the number of elements exerting both positive and negative influences on its course. These elements can be placed in the area of production logistics along with assigned production equipment, the human factor, methods of manipulation with materials and intermediates, storage, etc. Production logistics should be treated as a complex integrated system consisting of the predefined subsystems containing sets of related activities which are strictly categorized. Defining control rules of the individual subsystems appropriately results in increased efficiency of the entire system. In order to achieve the maximum possible efficiency of the entire system it is always necessary to optimize each subsystem which operates within its framework. Currently, simulation is used increasingly to support the optimization tasks and processes in all types of systems. The efficiency increases significantly when simulation tools become an inseparable layer parallel to the implemented control system.

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