

B. Misini, M.A Colivicchi, W. Freinbichler, C. Ballini, K. Tipton, L. Della Corte, W. Linert:
"Continous Determinaton of hROS during Microdialysis";
Xjenza: Journal of the Malta Chamber of Scientists,, 2 (2014), 2; S. 61 - 63.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A procedure has been developed for the direct determination of hROS formation by monitoring the conversion of terephthalic acid to, the highly fluorescent, 2-hydroxy terephthalate by direct flow fluorimetry. The method should allow the rapid assessment of hROS formation evoked by a variety of neurotoxins and other compounds in microdialysis experiments in vivo.

kainate, microdialysis, terephthalic acid, 2-hydroxy terephthalate

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