
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

R. Viertl, M. Shafiq:
"Maximum likelihood estimation for Weibull distribution in case of censored fuzzy life time data";
Berichts-Nr. Forschungsbericht SM-2014-2 November, 2014; 17 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Life time data analysis is an important branch of statistics. In most of the 15 situations dealing with life time observations some units are recorded as cen 16 sored observations, i.e. type I or type II censoring, based on termination 17 conditions of the experiment. Numerous standard statistical tools are avail-
18 able for inference based on censored life time observations. These techniques 19 consider life time observations as precise numbers and ignore the uncertainty 20 of single observations. Whereas in practical applications it is not possible
21 to measure life times as precise numbers, they are always more or less non- 22 precise, called fuzzy. This study was aimed to make an estimation of Weibull 23 parameters based on fuzzy censored life time data which are modeled by 24 fuzzy numbers.

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