
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

P. Panek, C. Beck, G. Edelmayer, P. Mayer, M. Rauhala, W.L. Zagler:
"Connecting AAL devices and systems to improve service delivery";
Talk: AAL Forum 2014, Bukarest; 2014-09-09 - 2014-09-12; in: "Broader, Bigger, Better - AAL solutions for Europe - Proceedings of the AAL Forum 2014", (2014), 89 - 92.

English abstract:
Nowadays many AAL systems and devices are available but most often they cannot be interconnected easily. This paper outlines some work which was done to connect different AAL systems in order to increase the impact, versatility and flexibility. Examples describe an integrated fall recognition system, a touch screen communication device for audio/video calls and for social networking, and an assistive robot connected to a smart AAL environment. Despite some progress still the outcome of successful research projects not always can be transferred into a commercial product. Market penetration of AAL systems is still in the beginning in Austria.

AAL, assistive technology, service provision, touch screen, HCI, interoperability, ethics

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.