
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

R. Viertl, M. Shafiq:
"Generalized Kaplan Meier estimators for fuzzy survival times";
Berichts-Nr. Forschungsbericht SM-2014-4 November, 2014; 11 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Survival analysis can be defined as a set of methods where the response of interest is the time until
a specified event occurred. The most common specified event is death and the related time is called
survival time or life time in medical sciences.
The Kaplan Meier estimator is one of the popular methods for precise survival times. It is natural
that life time is of continuous nature, therefore it is unrealistic to deal life time observations as
precise numbers. In (Viertl, 2009) it is shown that life time observations are not precise numbers,
but more or less fuzzy. In this study a Generalized Kaplan Meier estimator for fuzzy survival time
observations is proposed.

Characterizing function Fuzzy numbers Kaplan Meier estimator Non-precise data Survival time

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