

M. Kriegisch, R. Grössinger, C. Grijalva, A. Muhammad, F. Kneidinger, N. Mehboob, F. Kubel, R. Sato Turtelli:
"Magnetic Properties of Highly Textured Fe85Ga15";
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50 (2014), 6.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Hysteresis loops and magnetostriction were measured on ring-shaped Fe85Ga15 samples. The samples were annealed at T=980 °C for 100 h and cooled from annealing temperature in two different ways: one was slowly cooled in an oven and the other one was quenched in cold water. X-ray diffraction results showed a strong texture in these samples, which is dependent on the cooling process. The anisotropy energy and magnetostriction of the samples were calculated based on these determined textures. These results agree qualitatively with magnetization and magnetostriction experiments and support the thermal history influence on the magnetostriction values.

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