J. Hänel, H. Winkler, M. Ikeda, J. Larrea Jiménez, V. Martelli, A. Prokofiev, E. Bauer, S. Paschen:
"Anisotropic thermopower of the Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6";
Journal of Electronic Materials,
S. 2440
- 2443.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The intermetallic compound CeRu4Sn6 has been tentatively classified as
Kondo insulator. This class of material, especially non-cubic representatives,
is not yet fully understood. Here we report thermopower measurements on
single-crystalline CeRu4Sn6 between 2 K and 650 K, along the main crystallographic
directions. Large positive thermopower is observed in the directions
along which the hybridization is strong and a Kondo insulating gap forms. A
negative contribution to the thermopower dominates for the crystallographic c
axis where hybridization is weak and metallicity prevails.
Kondo insulator, thermopower, power factor, anisotropic hybridization
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