

A. Ladenberger, J. Uhlbäck, M. Andersson, C. Reimann, T. Tarvainen, G. Morris, M. Sadeghi, M. Eklund, P. Filzmoser:
"Elemental patterns in agricultural and grazing land soil in Norway, Finland and Sweden: What have we learned from continental scale mapping.";
in: "Chemistry of Europe's Agricultural Soils. Part A: Methodology and Interpretation of the GEMAS Data Set, Geologisches Jahrbuch, Reihe B, Heft 103", C. Reimann, M. Birke, A. Demetriades, P. Filzmoser, P. O´Connor (Hrg.); E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung oHG, Stuttgart, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-510-96847-3, S. 235 - 251.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The GEMAS Project (Geochemical Mapping of
Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) resulted in a
large coherent data set displaying baseline levels of elements
in agricultural and grazing land soil, on both a European and
a regional scale. The geochemical mapping of agricultural
and grazing land soil in Norway, Sweden and Finland
provides an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate regional
geochemical trends in arable soil. When looking at the
European data set as a whole, Norway, Sweden and Finland
stand out as geochemically distinct, mainly due to the old
bedrock and the extent of the last glaciation, and they were
thus considered valuable for a study as a separate entity.
The interpretation of the elemental maps and statistics
identified several groups of factors influencing the observed
trends in the geochemical patterns of Norway, Sweden and
Finland, with the most important factors being bedrock
geology, the presence of ore deposits, the soil type and its
properties, and climate. Anthropogenic impact on soils
appears to have a minor influence on the soil geochemistry of
both agricultural and grazing land. In mining regions, with the
natural signal from the mineralisation, it is often difficult to
discriminate between the original anomaly and any
anthropogenic contamination.
The results of this survey are available for a public and
can be used by both local authorities and research groups.

soils agriculture

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