
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

P Schmid, C Zarfl, G Balogh, U. Schmid:
"Gauge Factor of Titanium/Platinum Thin Films up to 350°C";
Poster: EUROSENSORS 2014 - 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Brescia, I; 2014-09-07 - 2014-09-10; in: "Procedia Engineering", Elsevier, 87 (2014), ISSN: 1877-7058; 172 - 175.

English abstract:
In this work the influence of the film thickness and titanium as an adhesion promoter on the gauge factor of Platinum thin films
used as strain gauges is investigated for different temperatures. Therefore strain gauges with varying bi-layer thickness (Ti/Pt:
50/1000 nm and 20/100 nm) are fabricated and evaluated at a custom-built gauge factor measuring setup. Up to 250°C no
substantial difference for the two bi-layers can be found. Latest at 300°C the diffusion of titanium starts to heavily influence
predominantly the 20/100 nm Ti/Pt bi-layer system. Moreover a different temperature dependent behavior of the gauge factor
under tensile and compressive load is demonstrated.

German abstract:
In this work the influence of the film thickness and titanium as an adhesion promoter on the gauge factor of Platinum thin films
used as strain gauges is investigated for different temperatures. Therefore strain gauges with varying bi-layer thickness (Ti/Pt:
50/1000 nm and 20/100 nm) are fabricated and evaluated at a custom-built gauge factor measuring setup. Up to 250°C no
substantial difference for the two bi-layers can be found. Latest at 300°C the diffusion of titanium starts to heavily influence
predominantly the 20/100 nm Ti/Pt bi-layer system. Moreover a different temperature dependent behavior of the gauge factor
under tensile and compressive load is demonstrated.

gauge factor, platinum, electro-mechanical proerties, temperature dependance, film thickness, strain gauge

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Related Projects:
Project Head Ulrich Schmid:
Mikrosystemtechnik Projektkonto Schmid

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.