
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

S. Prost, M. Meisel, M. Tscheligi:
"SmartWebGrid - Benutzerakzeptanz von neuen Dienstleistungen über die Smart Grid IT-Infrastruktur";
Talk: ComForEn 2014 - 5. Symposium Communications for Energy Systems, Österreich (invited); 2014-10-29 - 2014-10-30; in: "Tagungsband ComForEn 2014", F. Kupzog (ed.); (2014), ISBN: 978-3-85133-083-0; 79 - 89.

English abstract:
The SmartWebGrid (SWG) project researched user interactions, technology, economic feasibility, as well as safety, security, and privacy of a universal information platform for future Smart Grid applications. The implemented proof-of-concept of the platform and selected use cases were evaluated with focus on user acceptance of private and business customers. The findings of the qualitative study with stakeholder workshops highlighted specific privacy concerns, acceptance considerations for the use cases, and an underlying distrust in current privacy protection measures. For increased acceptance of Smart Grid applications we give recommendations to better communicate benefits of Smart Grids, ensure privacy and transparency, give consumers freedom of choice, and create independent supervision authorities.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.