
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

E. Deutsch, A. Quettier, A. Simon, P. Srikhum:
"Property Price Formation in Paris: A spatial econometric analysis";
Talk: Konferenz des European Network of Housing Research (ENHR), Edinburgh; 2014-07-01 - 2014-07-04.

English abstract:
This is an empirical study about the formation of homeownership prices in Paris.
It is asked to which extent the formation of prices is guided by selected city districts
that in#uence the prices in other parts. For that purpose, we apply spatial econometric
models of the SAR-type. The spillover mechanism of prices is ranked according to the
partial contribution to spatial autocorrelation of the districts. Using real estate data
provided by the French statistical bureau INSEE, the study disposes of nearly 30.000
transactions in 2007..Among others, it is shown that the districts on the left side of the
Seine (rive gauche) exert a leading role in the formation of prices.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.