
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

J. Palotti, V. Stefanov, A. Hanbury:
"User intent behind medical queries: an evaluation of entity mapping approaches with metamap and freebase";
Vortrag: Information Interaction in Context conference, Regensburg; 26.08.2014 - 30.08.2014; in: "Proceedings of the 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium", ACM, New York, NY, USA (2014), ISBN: 978-1-4503-2976-7; S. 283 - 286.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This work focuses on understanding the user intent in the
medical domain. The combination of Semantic Web and information
retrieval technologies promises a better comprehension
of user intents. Mapping queries to entities using
Freebase is not novel, but so far only one entity per query
could be identified. We overcome this limitation using annotations
provided by Metamap. Also, different approaches to
map queries to Freebase are explored and evaluated. We
propose an indirect evaluation of the mappings, through
user intent defined by classes such as Symptoms, Diseases or
Treatments. Our experiments show that by using the concepts
annotated by Metamap it is possible to improve the
accuracy and F1 performances of mappings from queries to
Freebase entities

Query log analysis, health search, semantic analysis

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