

J. Kreutzer, M. Puchberger, Ch. Artner, U. Schubert:
"Retention of the Cluster Core Structure during Ligand Exchange Reactions of Carboxylato-Substituted Metal Oxo Clusters";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 (2015), 12; S. 2145 - 2151.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The exchange of the carboxylato ligands of Zr4O2(methacrylato)12 in reactions with carboxylic acids proceeds with retention of the composition and structure of the cluster core. This was concluded from exchange/re-exchange experiments and from comparison of the IR bands of the cluster core of the original and ligand-exchanged clusters. The IR bands were assigned on the basis of DFT calculations. Scrambling reactions between two Zr4O2(OOCR)12 clusters with different carboxylato ligands are a new way to prepare mixed-ligand oxo clusters.

Cluster compounds; Cage compounds; Ligand exchange; Zirconium; Carboxylate ligands

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Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Ulrich Schubert:
Anisotrope Funktionalisierung von Clustern

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