
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

K. Ghazi Wakili, T. Stahl, E. Heiduk, M. Schuss, R. Vonbank, U. Pont, C. Sustr, D. Wolosiuk, A. Mahdavi:
"High performance aerogel containing plaster for historic buildings with structured façades";
Talk: 6th International Building Physics Conference 2015, Torino, Italy; 2015-07-14 - 2015-07-17; in: "6th International Building Physics Conference 2015", M. Perino, V. Corrado (ed.); Proceedings of 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC 2015 (2015).

English abstract:
This contribution reports on ongoing efforts exploring the potential of aerogel-based plasters on historical façades. As a case study, aerogel-based plaster was applied without reinforcement meshes to a small area in the historical main building of the Vienna University of Technology. The objective is to examine the long-term behavior of the plastered surfaces. For this, a monitoring infrastructure has been implemented, which enables the in-situ measurement of temperature, humidity, and heat flux within different layers of the construction using a wireless sensor system. These measurements are intended to offer a before-after comparison of the thermal behavior of the treated components.

German abstract:
none - see english version

Retrofit; Aerogel-based Plaster; Historical Building; Wireless Monitoring; In-situ Measurements

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.