
Contributions to Books:

Y. Suchorski:
"Field Ion and Field Desorption Microscopy: Surface Chemistry Applications";
in: "Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering", J. Reedijk (ed.); issued by: Elsevier; Elsevier Inc., Waltham, 2015, 1 - 18.

English abstract:
The article describes the basic principles of the field ion microscopy (FIM), field desorption microscopy (FDM), and probe-hole spectroscopic analysis of imaging ions and their applications.

The field ion microscopy is the oldest technique resolving individual atoms, but it remains preeminent in their ability to pursue in situ on a nanoscale the dynamic surface processes, such as diffusion or catalytic reactions. The advantages of the parallel imaging principle, which is intrinsic to FIM (e.g., in contrary to scanning tunneling microscopy), led to the revival of the FIM-based techniques in the last decades and to the development of new versions, such as lithium field desorption microscopy (Li-FDM). This article is focused on the recent surface chemistry applications, especially on the in situ imaging of catalytic reactions. The newest results in studying the local reaction kinetics in the nanosized reaction systems by FIM are presented, and the field- and fluctuation-induced effects, revealed by FIM, are discussed.

Catalysis on a nanoscale; Field desorption microscopy; Field effect; Field ion microscopy; Probe-hole ion analysis; Reaction-induced fluctuations; chemistry; Surface reactions

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.