

M. Willensdorfer, E. Fable, E. Wolfrum, F. Aumayr, R. Fischer, F. Reimold, F. Ryter, . ASDEX Upgrade Team:
"Role of electron temperature in the particle transport in the pedestal during pedestal evolution";
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463 (2015), S. 1091 - 1095.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The effect of the electron temperature (Te) on the edge particle transport in the pedestal is analyzed
during the density build-up after the L-H transition. Electron cyclotron resonance heating was used to
vary the pedestal temperature during the density evolution between subsequent H-mode phases.
Although the pedestal Te and its gradients could be varied by a factor of 2, almost no change in the edge
density evolution is observed within the measurement uncertainties. ASTRA was used to interpret the
measurements and to analyze the dependence of the pedestal particle transport on the Te profile.
Thermo-diffusion seems to play a minor role in the pedestal.

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