
Diplom- und Master-Arbeiten (eigene und betreute):

A. Gamal Ahmed Mostafa:
"Synthesis and Chemical Reactivity Studies of Some New Heterocycles Utilizing Enamine as Percursors";
Betreuer/in(nen): A.A. Soliman, A. Abdelhamid, W. Linert; Department of Chemistry University of Cairo, Egypt, 2015; Abschlussprüfung: 29.07.2015.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The thesis reports about detailed about the preparation of hexahydroquinoline and derivatives via simple and effective preparation routes. In a further preparative investigation a new series of 2-amino-tetrahydroquinoline-5-one was obtained. The formed species were carefully characterised using a variety of methods yielding clear structural informations and characteristic properties of the new substances. Antitumor and antibacterial properties of the substances were investigated in dependence of their various substituents yielding deeper insight into bio-medical properties.

Enamine as Percursors, Heterocycles

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