Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):
G. Wurzer, W Lorenz, M. Rößler, I. Hafner, N. Popper, B. Glock:
"((MODYPLAN)) - Early-Stage Hospital Simulation with Emphasis on Cross-Clinical Treatment Chains";
Talk: SimAUD 2015,
Washington D.C.;
- 2015-04-15; in: "2015 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design",
Simulation Councils, Inc.,
ISBN: 978-1-329-04938-3;
- 100.
English abstract:
Health trusts are aiming to consolidate the clinical
landscape: The provision of medical services, now handled
by individual clinics, is to be transformed such that the
patient volume can be redirected between different
specialized service providers. As implication, hospital
planning needs to embrace the subject of cross-clinical
development rather than looking at each facility in
isolation. In this context, we have been developing
((MODYPLAN)), a cross-clinical simulation for early-stage
architectural planning. Our software takes the patient
volume as input and redirects it to different facilities, each
one having a different spatial layouts and treatment
capacity. As outputs, we obtain the utilization and
occupancy of each service unit on which we can base
further analysis concerning bottlenecks. Furthermore,
different configurations of the clinical landscape can be
compared, facilitating a multi-faceted discussion among
stakeholders (clinical providers, their staff and patients). As
audience, we target hospital administration, architects and
process designers preparing or working on tenders. Such an
early application of cross-clinical simulation is, to the best
of our knowledge, yet unprecedented.
Agent-Based Simulation, Treatment Chains, Hospital Planning, MODYPLAN
Electronic version of the publication:
Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.