
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Psenner:
"Spatial Representation of Vienna´s Street-Level Environment-3D-ZPA (Zusammenhängende Parterre-Aufnahme)";
Vortrag: European Association for Urban History EAUH: 12th International Conference on Urban History: Cities in Europe, Cities in the World, Lissabon, Potugal (eingeladen); 03.09.2014 - 06.09.2014.

Kurzfassung englisch:
There is a strong and direct relationship between urban street space and the structures and uses of the buildings´ ground floor. When addressing urban development issues the necessity to consider the "street-level-environment"-a holistic urban zone of public, private, and semi-private spaces-must therefore be emphasized. In consequence the Spatial Representation of Vienna´s Street-Level-Environment¬ 3D-ZPA¬ is covering both built-up and non-built-up areas, it includes the street as well as the adjacent houses and yards.
Vienna´s official digital map serves as matrix where the individual ground level plans of the flanking buildings is set in-both historical plans and most recent conversion documents are taken into account, so that the morphological evolution of the street-level is reflected. Given the importance of ceiling and building heights the plan is elevated into the third dimension, which marks the major distinction from the Comprehensive Ground Floor Surveys, originally carried out in the 1960ies (Muratori, Caniggia).
3D-ZPA differs in precision and scale from the current settings of 3D city models that mostly render a distant bird´s eye perspective and that by simply showing the external building perimeters do not provide an objective representation and description of the city´s interior structure. 3D-ZPA precisely represents the buildings´ ground floor; the areas above and below are generically outlined as a rather simple cubic model, so that street profile and day light situation on the ground are reflected.
3D-ZPA yields information about a building´s spatial and functional relationship to public space and topographical environment; qualitative statements can be made concerning use, use-frequency and intensity. It facilitates conclusions regarding use-potential of the ground floor zone and places structural functions of the street space in relation to it. Interrelations can be identified, problematic situations considered and resolved in context; thus 3D-ZPA is providing a fundamental tool for planning and research.

Vienna´s Historic Architecture; Virtual Visualization; Street-Level Environment (Parterre); Urban Space Research

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.