
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Mahdavi:
"Not a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Design-Performance-Space";
Hauptvortrag: eCaade 2015 - Real Time - Extending the Reach of Computation, TU Wien (eingeladen); 16.09.2015 - 18.09.2015; in: "Real Time - Extending the Reach of Computation - Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe", B. Martens, G. Wurzer, T. Grasl, W Lorenz, R. Schaffranek (Hrg.); eCAADe & Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, TU Wien, Volume 1 & 2 (2015), ISBN: 9789491207082; S. 25 - 35.

Kurzfassung deutsch:
none see english version

Kurzfassung englisch:
In this keynote I offer some thoughts on the computer-aided navigation of the Design-Performance-Space. My objective is not to provide a comprehensive guide to this multifarious space, but to share one traveller's experiences with persistent hurdles, grand bridges, clever shortcuts, and some intriguing vistas along the way.

Quasi a Prologue

The insight into the manifold nature of values is arguably much older than its expression in the Vitruvian Triad. Nonetheless, the marriage of the design and performance realms in building sector has not been an easy one. If anything, rampant professional fragementation and division of labour "modern times" appear to have accelerated the compartmentalization of world views both in practice and education. In fact, the archetypal professional representatives of the ensuing schism (i.e., architects and engineers) appear at times as if inhabitating entirely seperate worlds. They do communicate, often unenthusiastically, to meet various practical or procedural requirements. But close, mutually enriching, and seamless collaboration is not matter of course. For many of those interested in the dialectic of processes and tools in the building delivery process, the advent of computing technologies was perceived as an exciting and highly promising opportunity toward reassertion of integrative design generation and performance assessment attitudes and methods. As with developments in other areas, it appears useful to revisit, from time to time, the initial expectations and the status quo. In this context, I offer some random reflections on the past, present, and possible futures of computer-aided approaches to the navigation of the Design-Performance-Space. Thereby, my objective is not to provide a comprehensive guide to this multifarious space, but to share one traveller's experiences with persistent hurdles, grand brigdes, clever shortcuts, and some intriguing vistas along the way.

Design, Performance, Space

Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Ardeshir Mahdavi:
Ontologien für automatisierte Erschließung web-basierter Bauproduktdaten für Industrie, Planer und Klienten

Projektleitung Ardeshir Mahdavi:
Semantische Technologien für Softwaretechnik und Interaktive Systeme

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