

A. Günay Bulutsuz, K. Yetilmezsoy, M.N. Durakbasa:
"Application of fuzzy logic methodology for predicting dynamic measurement errors related to process parameters of coordinate measuring machines";
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1 (2015), Preprint; S. 1 - 15.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Abstract Coordinate measuring machines (CMM) have a vital and enduring role in the manufacturing process because of their easy adaptation to the systems and high measurement accuracy. Owing to the demand for high accuracy and shorter cycle times of measurement tasks, determining the measurement errors has become more important in precision engineering. Additionally, manufactured components are becoming smaller and tolerances becoming tighter, and therefore, demands for accuracy are increasing. For this reason, dynamic error modeling has become a topic of considerable importance for improving measurement accuracy, manufacturing decisions and process parameter selections. A number of factors such as process parameters, measurement environment, measuring object, reference element, measurement equipment and set-up affect the measurement accuracy of CMM.

Coordinate measuring machines, fuzzy logic, measurement accuracy, uncertainty

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