
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

J. Sambt, M. Zanella, B. Hammer, A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:
"Production and Transfers through Unpaid Work by Age and Gender: A Comparative Analysis of Austria, Italy and Slovenia";
Bericht für AGENTA Working Paper 5/2015; Berichts-Nr. 5, 2015; 32 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Rapid population ageing shifts the relation between age of individuals and their economic activity into the focus of policy makers and scientists. National Transfer Accounts introduce age in the System of National Accounts: they measure for each age group the generation of income, its redistribution across age groups as well as age-specific use of disposable income for consumption and saving. In this paper we introduce also unpaid household work as well as differences in the reallocation of resources across age by gender. We estimate how much time each age group devotes to unpaid production activities and how time spent in these activities is
distributed across age and gender. We provide measures of total labour (paid and unpaid work combined) for men and women during the life course. Finally, we define an indicator of the "rush hours of life" based on age spans in which individual´s working time exceeds their free time. Our aim is to gain insight into
country-specific settings that may shape these distribution mechanisms and we therefore present comparative results for Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Our results show that the main receivers of time transfers are children in form of childcare.
Paid and unpaid work combined are squeezing out free time and generating a "rush hour" of life for working age population. The rush hour is especially prevalent for women in Italy and Slovenia between age 30 and 49 when their provided housework and childcare more than compensate their lower involvement in paid work compared to men.

Intergenerational transfers, Household production, Time use, Gender, Economic life cycle

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.